Cheek Augmentation Treatment In Guwahati

What is cheek augmentation

Cheek augmentation is a cosmetic procedure aimed at improving facial balance and harmony by enhancing the shape, size, and contour of the cheeks. There are two methods to achieve this: surgical and non-surgical.

Surgical cheek augmentation involves the placement of implants or fat grafting to add volume to the cheeks. Implants, usually made of silicone or synthetic materials, are inserted through small incisions made inside the mouth or on the lower eyelids. Fat grafting involves removing fat from one part of the body and injecting it into the cheeks.

Non-surgical cheek augmentation, on the other hand, involves the use of injectable fillers like hyaluronic acid or calcium hydroxyapatite to enhance the volume and contour of the cheeks. These fillers are administered through a series of small injections and provide results lasting several months to a year or more.

For the best cheek fillers and cheek implants in Guwahati, SculptIndia offers high-end facilities and expert surgeons. Look no further than SculptIndia, Guwahati for your cheek augmentation needs.

What is cheek augmentation called?

Cheek augmentation is a term used to describe procedures that enhance the appearance of the cheeks. The following are specific procedures that fall under the umbrella of cheek augmentation:

  1. Cheek implants, also known as malar implants, involve the surgical placement of synthetic materials such as silicone to enhance the cheekbones and create a more defined contour.
  2. Fat grafting, where fat is harvested from one area of the body and injected into the cheeks to add volume.
  3. Dermal fillers, which are injectable products used to add volume to the cheeks and improve their contour. Overall, cheek augmentation can refer to any of these procedures or a combination of them, depending on the individual's goals and needs.

Is cheek implants a good idea?

Whether or not cheek implants are a suitable option depends on various factors, such as an individual's desired outcome, overall health, and medical history.

While cheek implants can be a great option for some people, it may not be the best choice for others.

To determine if cheek implant surgery is right for an individual, it is essential to consult with a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon.

During the consultation, the surgeon can assess the individual's facial anatomy, discuss the potential risks and benefits of the procedure, and recommend the most appropriate type of implant based on the individual's specific goals and needs.

While cheek implants can enhance the appearance of the cheeks and create a more balanced and youthful facial contour, it's crucial to be aware of the potential risks associated with any surgical procedure, such as infection, bleeding, and complications related to anaesthesia.

As such, it is crucial for individuals to weigh the potential benefits and risks carefully before deciding on the procedure.

What does cheek augmentation do?

Cheek augmentation is a cosmetic procedure designed to enhance the appearance of the cheeks by improving their volume and contour. This can be achieved through several methods, such as dermal fillers, fat grafting, or implants.

Injectable dermal fillers are used to add volume to the cheeks, and these fillers usually contain hyaluronic acid, a natural substance in the body that can help plump up the skin. The results of dermal fillers typically last from 6 to 24 months, depending on the type of filler used and the patient's individual response.

Fat grafting, also known as fat transfer, involves taking fat from another part of the body, such as the abdomen or thighs, and injecting it into the cheeks to add volume. This method is ideal for patients who desire a more natural-looking result and have sufficient excess fat available for the transfer.

Cheek implants are another option for cheek augmentation. These implants are made of solid silicone or plastic and are surgically placed into the cheek area. This procedure is usually performed under general anaesthesia, and the results are permanent.

Ultimately, cheek augmentation can produce a more youthful, balanced, and attractive facial appearance. It can also be used to address facial asymmetry or to restore volume loss that may occur due to aging. However, it's important to discuss your goals and expectations with a qualified plastic surgeon to determine the best approach for your specific needs.

Can you lift cheeks without surgery?

Indeed, there are non-invasive alternatives available for lifting the cheeks. These include injectable fillers, thread lifts, and radiofrequency treatments.

Injectable fillers, such as hyaluronic acid, can help to add volume to the cheeks, creating a lifting effect.

Thread lifts use dissolvable threads to lift the skin, providing a more youthful appearance. Radiofrequency treatments utilize energy to stimulate collagen production and tighten the skin, resulting in a lifted look.

However, it's important to note that these non-surgical options may not be as effective or long-lasting as surgical options, and the results can vary depending on the individual patient.

A qualified medical professional can provide more information about the benefits and limitations of non-surgical cheek lifting options.

Why do girls get cheek implants?

Individuals may choose to get cheek implants for various reasons, including enhancing their facial features and improving their self-confidence.

Cheek implants can add volume to the cheeks, resulting in a more defined and attractive facial structure.

Some individuals may feel that their cheeks are too flat or lack definition, and implants can help improve their appearance.

In addition, some may have lost volume in their cheeks due to aging or weight loss and wish to restore their youthful appearance.

Ultimately, the decision to get cheek implants is a personal one, and the motivations may vary among individuals.

Why do celebs get cheek implants?

Celebrities, like non-celebrities, may choose to get cheek implants to enhance their facial features and boost their self-confidence.

However, there may be other factors that play a role in their decision-making process, such as the expectations of the entertainment industry to look young and attractive, or the desire to have striking facial features that stand out on camera.

Moreover, some celebrities may have had previous procedures that have changed their facial structure, prompting them to consider cheek implants to achieve a more balanced or natural look. All in all, the reasons why celebrities opt for cheek implants are likely to be intricate and varied.

What age can you get cheek implants?

The decision to undergo cheek implants is not dependent on a specific age requirement, but rather on individual needs and goals.

However, plastic surgeons typically advise waiting until the patient's facial bones have stopped developing, which usually happens in the late teenage years or early 20s.

For the best results, the ideal candidate for cheek implants should be in good overall health, a non-smoker, and have realistic expectations for the outcome of the procedure.

A consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon is the best way to determine if you are a suitable candidate for cheek implants, as the surgeon can evaluate your individual needs and make personalized recommendations based on their professional expertise.

Can your body reject cheek implants?

The possibility of cheek implant rejection by the body is uncommon since these implants are typically made from biocompatible and safe materials that do not trigger an immune response.

They are usually made from silicone or other inert materials that are safe for use in the body. However, just like any surgical procedure, there are inherent risks of complications like infection or implant displacement.

In some cases, a capsule may form around the implant, which can cause discomfort or a change in the implant's position.

In such an event, it is important to seek medical attention from your plastic surgeon immediately to receive the appropriate treatment.

Regular follow-up appointments with your surgeon can also help to ensure that your cheek implants remain in good condition over time.

Are cheek implants noticeable?

The visibility of cheek implants depends on several factors, such as the size and placement of the implants, the patient's facial structure, and the type of implant used.

Cheek implants that are properly sized and positioned to harmonize with the patient's facial features can appear very natural and subtle, enhancing the facial contours without appearing obvious.

However, if the implants are too large or improperly placed, they can appear unnatural and detract from the overall appearance.

Furthermore, the implant material can also influence their visibility; for instance, silicone implants typically appear more natural than other materials.

Ultimately, the objective of cheek implant surgery is to attain a gentle, natural-looking improvement of the face that enhances the patient's distinctive features.

Do cheek fillers lift your face?

Cheek fillers can provide a lifting effect to the face. When hyaluronic acid or other injectable fillers are used to add volume to the cheeks, they can support the skin and tissue, creating a lifting effect that can enhance the midface and subtly lift the lower face as well.

The added volume can reduce the appearance of sagging or drooping in the lower face, while improved contour and definition in the cheeks can create a more youthful and balanced facial appearance.

However, it is important to understand that the lifting effect of cheek fillers is typically temporary and may require regular touch-ups to maintain the desired results.

How long does cheek augmentation last?

The duration of cheek augmentation varies depending on the specific procedure. Injectable fillers, which are non-surgical options, typically provide results that last from 6 to 18 months, depending on the type of filler used, the amount injected, and the individual patient's metabolism.

The effects of thread lifts or radiofrequency treatments can last up to a year or more, but they are generally less dramatic than those of surgical cheek implants.

Cheek implants, however, are a long-lasting solution that can remain effective for many years or even a lifetime, depending on the type of implant material used and the patient's age and lifestyle factors.

It is important to remember that all cosmetic procedures require regular maintenance to sustain the desired results, and the results can vary depending on the individual.

Is cheek augmentation permanent?

The longevity of cheek augmentation varies based on the type of procedure. Cheek implants are a permanent solution, placed surgically into the cheekbones, designed to remain in place for years or even a lifetime.

In contrast, non-surgical methods such as injectable fillers, thread lifts, or radiofrequency treatments offer temporary solutions. Injectable fillers usually last 6 to 18 months, depending on the type of filler, amount injected, and individual metabolism.

Thread lifts and radiofrequency treatments can last up to a year or more, but their effects are generally less long-lasting than those of surgical cheek implants.

Ultimately, the most appropriate procedure should be discussed with a board-certified plastic surgeon based on the individual's goals and needs.

Why should you consider Sculptindia in Guwahati?

Are you seeking a way to balance and harmonize your facial features?

Do you want to enhance the midface area safely and effectively?

Look no further than our cutting-edge cheek augmentation procedures. Our services can provide you with natural-looking, long-lasting results that will help you feel more confident and beautiful. With our personalized cheek augmentation treatments, our skilled surgeons can help you achieve a more youthful and contoured appearance that complements your unique features.

SculptIndia is the perfect choice for your cheek augmentation in Guwahati, contact us today to schedule a consultation and begin your journey towards your ideal look.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • How much does cheek augmentation typically cost in India?

    The cost of cheek augmentation in India can vary depending on several factors, such as the type of procedure, the location of the clinic, and the experience of the surgeon. On average, the cost ranges from Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 1,50,000.

  • Is cheek augmentation a painful procedure?

    Cheek augmentation can be uncomfortable, especially during the recovery period. However, anaesthesia is used during the procedure to minimize any pain or discomfort, and pain medication may be prescribed post-procedure to manage any discomfort during the recovery period.

  • Can cheek implants look natural?

    Yes, cheek implants can look natural when they are properly selected and placed by an experienced surgeon. The surgeon can choose the appropriate implant size and shape that best matches the patient's facial features, resulting in a natural-looking outcome.

  • Which is better: cheek implants or fillers?

    It depends on the individual's needs and goals. Cheek implants provide a more permanent solution, while fillers are non-permanent and offer more versatility in achieving a customized look. However, the results of fillers require regular touch-ups to maintain the desired appearance.

  • Can cheek implants affect one's smile?

    Cheek implants may cause temporary changes in one's smile, particularly during the recovery period when swelling and bruising are present. However, once the healing process is complete, the implants should not have a significant impact on the patient's smile or facial expressions.

  • Is cheek augmentation a safe procedure?

    Cheek augmentation is generally safe when performed by a qualified and experienced surgeon. However, as with any surgery, there are risks involved, such as infection, bleeding, and adverse reactions to anaesthesia. Patients should discuss the risks and benefits of the procedure with their surgeon before making a decision.

  • What is the success rate of cheek implants?

    The success rate of cheek implants depends on various factors such as the surgeon's expertise, the patient's health condition, and post-operative care. Overall, the success rate is high, and most patients are satisfied with the outcome. However, complications such as infection, implant displacement, and asymmetry may occur in rare cases.

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