From a DD Cup to a B Cup Without Scars – Scarless Breast Surgery

All that you need to know about Scarless Breast Surgery
There are few reasons why a woman might want to undergo a scarless breast reduction surgery. Firstly, it could be due to medical reason — having large breasts might be physically affecting her and thus, in order to, reduce back pain or problems she might want to go through this procedure.Secondly, some may feel self-conscious having particularly large breasts and so want to feel more comfortable in their appearance.
Secondly, some may feel self-conscious having particularly large breasts and so want to feel more comfortable in their appearance.According to various studies scarless breast reduction has one of the highest satisfaction rates among all plastic surgery procedures because of the immediate improvement in lifestyle, and women are able to be more active, live pain free, and have an improved quality of life.
According to various studies scarless breast reduction has one of the highest satisfaction rates among all plastic surgery procedures because of the immediate improvement in lifestyle, and women are able to be more active, live pain-free, and have an improved quality of life.
Whether you want to get this procedure done for either of the above-mentioned reasons or something that’s completely personal to you, here’s everything that you need to know about this procedure.
What is it?:
Breast Reduction using liposuction is extremely popular and many women might prefer it over traditional reduction mammoplasty procedures.
How does it work?:
Unlike the traditional breast reduction procedure, scarless breast reduction uses a less invasive Liposculpture technique which doesn’t leave behind noticeable scars. Several small incisions are made at the fold of the breast, armpit, or around the areola. Scarless breast reduction will allow a more modest, but significant, reduction in size, as well as a more modest elevation of the nipple with the overall general shape of the breast maintained. Performed using local anaesthesia, the average breast reduction with liposuction procedure lasts no more than an hour.
Best candidates:
- Women suffering from pain in the neck, back, and shoulders due to large breasts.
- Women with big boobs as a result of which they might be dissatisfied with the overall body image
- Large breasts being a hindrance for those women who are actively participating in sports or physical activities
- Safer than breast reduction surgery
- General anaesthesia is not used
- No incision scarring
- Results are seen in days
- Minimal postoperative pain but this doesn’t mean it’s non-existent
- A more rapid recovery and return to normal activities
- Nipples and sensation are less apt to be compromised – g. reduced risk of loss of nipple sensation or damage to the nipple
Celebrities who’ve got breast reduction surgery done!:
Most celebrities associated with a boob job generally get a breast enhancement surgery. Here’s a list of stars who’ve had breast reduction surgery:
- Ariel Winter
- Amber Rose
- Kris Jenner
- Drew Barrymore
- Queen Latifah
Scarless breast reduction can yield excellent results for women wanting to correct asymmetrical breasts; and can reduce breast size by almost 50%, which in turn results in relief from chronic pain, improved posture; and also improved cosmetic appearance.